Tuesday 4 August 2020

Biological Neural Network-BNN


BNN-Biological Neural Networks

Topics to be covered:

In this topic we going to get a brief idea about BNN-
            1.1 what is BNN?
            1.2 Different parts in BNN.

1.1 What is BNN-Biological Neural Network ?

A Neural Network is made up of number of processing elements called Neurons, whose interconnections are called synapse. Each Neuron accepts input from either the external world (or) from output of the other Neurons. The Synapse has a processing value or weight.


1.2 Different parts in BNN

A typical Neuron consist of the following parts majorly. They are
        • Dendrite
        • Cell Body
        • Axon
        • Synapse

  • Dendrite:

  1. Dendrite is some long irregular shape filament attached to the cell body (soma).
  2. Dendrites behave as an IO Channel.
  3. It is also responsible for receiving information from other Neurons it is connected to.
  4. In other sense we can say that there are ears of Neurons.

  • Cell Body(Soma):

  1. It is cell body of Neuron and is responsible for processing of information and they have receiving from dendrites.
  2. If the cumulative input received by raisers the internal electric potential of the cell. Then the Neuron fires by propagating the action potential down to axon to other Neuron.
  3. Inside the cell body we have Nucleus.

  • Axon:

  1. There is another link attached to soma and it is axon. It is just like a cable through which the neuron sends the information.
  2. Axons are used to carry input signals.

  • Synapse:

  1. Synapse is nothing but a place where two neurons are connected.
  2. The Dendrite of one Neuron is connected with axon of another Neuron.

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