Monday 10 August 2020

Story-2 Don't Judge a Book by its Cover


Story-2- Don't Judge A Book by its Cover. 

 A man named Joe from Capetown has a big family of 10 children, given them the best education who worked for years in a low-paying job he hated. But Joe was determined to retire rich. So he scrimped and saved every penny he could and worked nights and weekends in a second job to fuel his investment pipeline. 

After 50 years, his discipline and sacrifice paid off. He was finally financially free! Joe decided that now that he was 70 years old, he was going to live it up! He decided it was time to indulge his life-long dream of scuba diving all over the world. Joe spent thousands of his hard-earned dollars on lessons and diving equipment. He flew first class to Hawaii, where he had reserved a suite at the Ritz Carlton.

The next day he headed out to dive Hawaii’s most beautiful reef. His dream had finally come true! He felt a sense of pride as he suited up in his expensive equipment – custom-made wet suit…specially built aluminum oxygen tanks… German engineered underwater cameras… water-proof pen and underwater pad for writing notes. Joe was ready!


Joe savored every moment as he swam down toward the rainbow-colored coral reef. He photographed the exotic fish as he descended. His first dive was everything he had dreamed about. He had spent tens of thousands of dollars on his new hobby, but it was worth every penny!

“This was worth the wait,” Joe said to himself.

“This is perfect!”

Suddenly, Joe was shocked to see a man swimming 10 feet below him wearing only swimming trucks. Joe furiously scribbled a message on his notepad. Then he flippered down to the man and tapped him on the shoulder. Joe scowled as he handed the man the notepad with this message:

“I spent thousands of dollars on scuba diving equipment, and here you are in just your swimming suit. What gives?”

The man grabbed the pad and wrote, “I’m drowning!”

Theme- Finally the story says that don't judge a book by its cover.

1 comment:

  1. superb as many as you can..eagerly waiting for the next story


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